

Rules of operation

1. One Bonus of Life (BOL) belongs rightfully, since the establishment of the community, to every living human being, without any distinction on age, gender, religion, nationality or otherwise, and irrespectively of participation to the community.

2. Every human individual has the right to participate to the community as a primary member. Entrance to the community is done via a registration procedure, using the individual’s real identity that encrypted using encryption algorithms and hash functions. For children up to the age of 16 years, registration is done by their parents or guardians.

3. In order to claim and use his rightfully allotted bonus of life (BOL), every individual must create his own encrypted digital identity and link it with the account through which he will manage his BOL amount.

4. Participation to the community is voluntary. No one should be forced to participate unwillingly.

5. All participating members accept the community’s rules of operation and seek to safeguard the community’s prestige and extend its reach throughout humanity.

6. Every individual can claim his rightfully allotted BOL only once. If an individual does not claim his BOL during his lifetime, this BOL is equally distributed to all primary members of the community. The same also applies to BOL amounts of members that pass away without having spent them, and without having bequeathed them to any inheritors. These amounts, called share-outs or dividends, are distributed by the system, in equal terms, to all primary members of the community.

7. The rightfully allotted one BOL, as well as any share-outs, become possession of an individual from the moment he becomes member of the community. Once the amount is in his possession, he can use, manage and bequeath it, at will.

8. Individuals that are not capable of managing their accounts by themselves, can authorize a representative to do so. Also, accounts of children up to the age of 16 years are managed by their parents or guardians.

9. Companies, organizations, and other legally recognized entities can participate to the open trading community as collective members, via the same registration procedure and using their real identification data (name, VAT number, etc.), in the internationally recognized form. Collective members can offer products or services, on payment with BOL. Collective members are not entitled to the initial 1 BOL or share-out amounts, as these are reserved only for living human beings. However, they can acquire BOLs in exchange for products or services offered to individual members.

10. All transactions inside the community will be done using as currency the BOL and its subdivisions.