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01. welcome

BoL returns Value to all humans

Bol is the digital currency that monetizes the value produced by human life and returns that value to all humans .

A unique BoL (Bonus of Life) is automatically generated for each human life and every human can claim his own bol as well as an equal share of the unused BoLs.

The BoL has no central issuers that issue and distribute it, no central owners ,  intermediaries or investors that determine its quantity and value.

It is automatically generated based on the global population and claimed directly by each person in a very simple way and with absolute transparency and security on an independent and public blockchain.

05. Network


BoL is swiftly gaining recognition in the cryptocurrency community. Numerous actual individuals and companies have already embraced our coin, with more developments ahead. Stay tuned for updates!


02. Benefits

BoL Benefits


Earned by every human. Used by every member in the BoL community.


Using encryption algorithms and hash functions to ensure security

Proof of stake

Using proof of stake and proof of contribution protocols

Easy registration

Register to BoL network through easy-to-use, secure tools
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03. Evolution

Digital Currency

With the advent of blockchain technology, new opportunities are emerging for a fairer distribution of the value created by human life.
The wealth generated by this value, instead of being concentrated in the hands of those who control the mechanisms of wealth creation, can be distributed equally to every human life.
This can be achieved through blockchain technology and the creation of an open trading community in which everyone can participate equally, representing the value created by human life with a digital currency.