Countries & NIN

Countries & NIN

Countries and National Identification Number

NIN is an identifier assigned to every citizen of a country from the moment of birth, such as social security number, or national insurance number.

NIN can be used consistently by all citizens of a country. In the case of countries that do not use some form of unique identifier from the moment of birth, the Birth Identification Number (BIN) will be used.

Below are listed countries and their respective NIN.

In case that your country is not listed or there is a mistaken entry or a missing entry, you can propose the respective NIN by contacting us.

Country Code Name LocalName Format Digits
Afghanistan AFG Afghan Identity Card (e-Tazkira) Tazkira 1111111111111 13
Aland Islands ALA
Albania ALB Personal Number Numri Personal A11111111A 10
Algeria DZA National Identification Number (NIN) بطاقة الهوية الوطن carte nationale d’identité 111111111111111111 18
American Samoa ASM
Andorra AND
Angola AGO National Identification Number (NIN) Bihete de intentidade no 1111111AA111 12
Anguilla AIA
Antarctica ATA
Antigua and Barbuda ATG
Argentina ARG National Identity Document DNI – Documento Nacional de Identidad 11111111 8
Armenia ARM
Aruba ABW
Australia AUS National Identity Document Tax File Number (TFN) 111111111 9
Austria AUT Sector-Specific Personal Identifier (ssPIN) CCR-ID Austrian Identity Card
Azerbaijan AZE
Bahamas BHS
Bahrain BHR Identification Card (with a personal number) بطاقة الهوية Arabic 111111111 9
Bangladesh BGD National Identity Card Bengali : জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র 1111111111111 13
Barbados BRB
Belarus BLR Personal Number персональный номер 1111111A111AA1 14
Belgium BEL National Register Number Rijksregisternummer 11111111111 11
Belize BLZ
Benin BEN
Bermuda BMU
Bhutan BTN
Bolivia , Plurinational State of BOL Identity Card Cedula de Identidad 1111111A1A1 11
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BES
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH Unique Master Citizen Number Jedinstveni matični broj građana 1111111111111 13
Botswana BWA
Bouvet Island BVT
Brazil BRA Civilian Identity Registr Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) 11111111111 11
British Indian Ocean Territory IOT
British Virgin Islands VGB
Brunei Darussalam BRN
Bulgaria BGR Uniform Civil Number Единен граждански номер (ЕГН) 1111111111 10
Burkina Faso BFA
Burundi BDI
Cambodia KHM
Cameroon CMR National Identity Number 11111111111111111 17
Canada CAN Social Insurance Number Social Insurance number (SIN) 111111111 9
Cape Verde CPV
Cayman Islands CYM
Central African Republic CAF
Chad TCD
Chile CHL National Identification Number Rol Único Nacional (RUN) 111111111 9
China CHN Citizenship Number 公民身份号码 111111111111111111 18
Christmas Island CXR
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CCK
Colombia COL ID card Número Único de Identificación Personal (NUIP) 1111111111 10
Comoros COM
Congo (Brazzaville) COG
Congo, (Kinshasa) COD
Cook Islands COK
Costa Rica CRI
Côte d’Ivoire CIV
Croatia HRV Personal Identification Number Osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB) 11111111111 11
Cuba CUB Identity card Carnet de identidad 11111111111 11
Curaçao CUW
Cyprus CYP ID card number Αριθμός δελτίου ταυτότητας (Αν έχει 6 ψηφία προσθέτουμε 0 στην αρχή)  1111111 7
Czech Republic CZE Birth Number Rodné číslo (RČ) 1111111111 10
Denmark DNK Personal Identification Number CPR, Det Centrale Personregisteer 1111111111 10
Djibouti DJI
Dominica DMA
Dominican Republic DOM
Ecuador ECU
Egypt EGY National Identification Number Documento Nacional de Identidad 11111111111111 14
El Salvador SLV Unique ID Number Numero Unico de Identidad 111111111 9
Equatorial Guinea GNQ
Eritrea ERI
Estonia EST Personal Identification Code Isikukood (IK) A1111111111 11
Ethiopia ETH 111111111111 12
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FLK
Faroe Islands FRO
Fiji FJI
Finland FIN Personal Identity Code Henkilötunnus (HETU) 11111111111 11
France FRA National Identification Number Numéri d’inscription au répertoire (INSEE) 111111111111111 15
French Guiana GUF
French Polynesia PYF
French Southern Territories ATF
Gabon GAB
Gambia GMB
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU Tax Identification Number Steuer-ID (Steueridentifikationsnummer, ID-Nr.) 11111111111 11
Ghana GHA Personal Identification Personal Identification AAA1111111111 13
Gibraltar GIB
Greece GRC AMKA AMKA 11111111111 11
Greenland GRL
Grenada GRD
Guadeloupe GLP
Guam GUM
Guatemala GTM National Identity Document Documento Personal de Identificación 1111111111111 13
Guernsey GGY
Guinea GIN National Identity Document Guyana national identity card 1111111111 10
Guinea-Bissau GNB
Guyana GUY
Haiti HTI
Heard and Mcdonald Islands HMD
Honduras HND ID number Numero de identification 1111111111111 13
Hong Kong, SAR China HKG Identity card 香港身份證 – Hēunggóng sānfánjing (HKID) A1111111 8
Hungary HUN Personal Identification Number Személyi azonosító szám 11111111111 11
Iceland ISL Personal Identification Number National Identification numberring (kennitala) 1111111111 10
India IND Unique Identification Number Aadhaar 111111111111 12
Indonesia IDN ID number Nomor Induk Kependudukan 1111111111111111 16
Iran, Islamic Republic of IRN Iran ID کارتممی 1111111111 10
Iraq IRQ Iraq National Card البطاقة الوطنية / كارتى نيشتيمانى 111111111A 10
Ireland IRL Personal Public Service Number Uimhir Phearsanta Seirbhιse Poiblí ή Uimh PSP 11111111A 9
Isle of Man IMN
Israel ISR Identity Number מספר זהות Mispar Zehut 111111111 9
Italy ITA Italian fiscal code card Codice fiscale AAAAAA11A11A111A 16
Jamaica JAM
Japan JPN My Number マイナンバーmai Namba 111111111111 12
Jersey JEY
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ Individual Identification Number ЖСН , ZhSN , ИИН , IIN – Жеке сәйкестендіру номері қысқ. ЖСН 111111111111 12
Kenya KEN ID number ID number 11111111 8
Kiribati KIR
Korea (North) PRK
Korea (South) KOR Resident registration number 주민등록번호 1111111111111 13
Kosovo RKS
Kuwait KWT Kuwait Civil Number الرقم المدني‎ 111111111111 12
Kyrgyzstan KGZ
Latvia LVA Personal Code Personas kods 11111111111 11
Lebanon LBN
Lesotho LSO
Liberia LBR
Libya LBY
Liechtenstein LIE
Lithuania LTU Personal Code Asmens kodas) 11111111111 11
Luxembourg LUX
Macao, SAR China MAC Macau Resident Identity Card 澳門居民身份證 11111111 8
Madagascar MDG National Identification Number (NIN) National Identification Number (NIN) 11111111111 11
Malawi MWI
Malaysia MYS Identity Card Number National Registration Identity Card Number (NRIC No) 111111111111 12
Maldives MDV
Mali MLI
Malta MLT Identity Card Tal -identita
Marshall Islands MHL
Martinique MTQ
Mauritania MRT
Mauritius MUS
Mayotte MYT
Mexico MEX Unique Population Registry Code CURP – Clave Única de Registro de Población AAAA111111AAAAAA11 18
Micronesia, Federated States of FSM
Moldova MDA Personal Code IDNP – Numarul de Identificare 1111111111111 13
Monaco MCO
Mongolia MNG
Montenegro MNE Unique Master Citizen Number Jedinstveni matični broj građana 1111111111111 13
Montserrat MSR
Morocco MAR National carde بطاقة التعريف الوطنية AA1111111 9
Mozambique MOZ
Myanmar MMR
Namibia NAM
Nauru NRU
Nepal NPL Citizenship No 111111 6
Netherlands NLD Citizen Service Number Burgerserv Icenummer -BSN 111111111 9
Netherlands Antilles ANT
New Caledonia NCL
New Zealand NZL National Health Index (NHI) number National Health Index (NHI) number AAA1111 7
Nicaragua NIC Identity number Sedula De Identidad 11111111111111 14
Niger NER National Identification Number (NIN) National Identification Number (NIN) 11111111111 11
Nigeria NGA National Identification Number National Identification Number (NIN) 11111111111 11
Niue NIU
Norfolk Island NFK
North Macedonia MKD Unique Master Citizen Number Единствен матичен број на граѓанинот, acronym ЕМБГ 1111111111111 13
Northern Mariana Islands MNP
Norway NOR National Identification Number – birth number fødselsnumme 11111111111 11
Oman OMN
Pakistan PAK National Tax Number (commonly known as NTN) National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) 1111111111111 13
Palau PLW
Palestinian Territory PSE
Panama PAN
Papua New Guinea PNG
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER National identity Card Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) 111111111 9
Philippines PHIL Natinal ID card Pambansang Pagkakakilanlan 111111111111 12
Philippines PHL
Pitcairn PCN
Poland POL Public Electronic Census System Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności – PESEL 11111111111 11
Portugal PRT Citizen Card Cartão de cidadão 11111111 8
Puerto Rico PRI
Qatar QAT
Réunion REU
Romania ROU Personal Numerical Code Cod Numeric Personal, CNP 1111111111111 13
Russian Federation RUS SNILS card – Individual insurance account number (SNILS) страховой номер индивидуального лицевого счета СНИЛС 11111111111 11
Rwanda RWA National identification number National identification number 1111111111111111 16
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SHN
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA
Saint Lucia LCA
Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VCT
Saint-Barthélemy BLM
Saint-Martin (French part) MAF
Samoa WSM
San Marino SMR Codice ISS
Sao Tome and Principe STP
Saudi Arabia SAU National ID Card Biṭāgat Al-hawiyya Al-waṭaniyya بطاقة الهوية الوطنية 1111111111 10
Senegal SEN ID number Numero d’ identite 1111111111111 13
Serbia SRB Personal identification number Јединствени матични број грађана 1111111111111 13
Seychelles SYC
Sierra Leone SLE
Singapore SGP National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) 身份证 A1111111A 9
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SXM
Slovakia SVK Citizen’s Identification Card Number Rodné číslo (RČ 1111111111 10
Slovenia SVN Unique Master Citizen Number Enotna matična številka občana (EMŠO) 1111111111111 13
Solomon Islands SLB
Somalia SOM
South Africa ZAF National Identification Number person identification 1111111111111 13
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SGS Personal namber პირადი ნომერი (p’iradi nomeri) 11111111111 11
South Sudan SSD p’iradi nomeri
Spain ESP National Identity Document Documento Nacional de Identidad(DNI) 11111111A 9
Sri Lanka LKA National Identity Document ජාතික හැඳුනුම්පත தேசிய அடையாள அட்டை 111111111111 12
Sudan SDN Personal Number Nomer pribadi A1111111111111 14
Suriname SUR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM
Swaziland SWZ
Sweden SWE Personal Identity Number Personnummer 1111111111 10
Switzerland CHE National Identification Number Anonymous Thirteen-Digit Number 1111111111 10
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) SYR
Taiwan, Republic of China TWN National Identification Number 身份證—國家註冊號碼 A111111111 10
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania, United Republic of TZA NIDA NIDA 11111111111111111111 20
Thailand THA Identification Number หมายเลขประจำตัวประชาชน 1111111111111 13
Timor-Leste TLS
Togo TGO
Tokelau TKL
Tonga TON
Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR Turkish Identification Number Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kimlik Numarası 11111111111 11
Turkmenistan TKM
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA
Tuvalu TUV
Uganda UGA National ID card AA11111111AA1A 14
Ukraine UKR Record Number (without -) Запис No  (без -)    1111111111111 13
United Arab Emirates ARE National ID Card هيئة الإمارات للهوية 111111111111111 15
United Kingdom GBR National Insurrance Number (NIS) National Insurrance Number (NIS) AA111111A 9
United States of America USA Social Security number (SSN) Social Security number (SSN) 111111111 9
Uruguay URY National ID card Numero de identidad 11111111 8
US Minor Outlying Islands UMI
Uzbekistan UZB National ID card Shaxsiy raqami 111111111111111 15
Vanuatu VUT
Vatican City VAT
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic) VEN ID card Cédula de Identidad A11111111 9
Viet Nam VNM ID card Thé cun cước công dân 111111111111 12
Virgin Islands, US VIR
Wallis and Futuna Islands WLF
Western Sahara ESH
Yemen YEM national identification number (raqm alhuiat alwatania) رقم الهوية الوطنية 111111111111 12
Zambia ZMB National ID card ID namber 1111111111 10
Zimbabwe ZWE National Identification Number (NIN) National Identification Number (NIN) 11111111A11 11