


Bol is the only digital currency produced by human life.

A single Bol is produced for each person. The initial amount of Bol is 8.104.886.478 as the world’s population on the day of blockchain start. Bols are produced daily based on UN data taking into account the world’s daily number of births in order to maintain the condition of one Bol for every human.

Each person can claim their own Bol at any time. To claim the Bol, one must create their own personal account and register in the Bol community. Bol’s personal account is completely private and secure, and no personal data is transmitted to the Bol blockchain or community. You can see all the security and encryption details by reading the white paper.

In the following steps is described how to get your Bol.

Step 1 – Download Bol wallet

The first step is to download the wallet application from the Bol website or from Google play and Apple store. Bol wallet is an open source application and the code is published on the Github. So anyone can check that the application does not transmit any personal data to anyone. All personal data remains encrypted on your device and can be deleted at any time.

Step 2 – Create your Account

With the Bol wallet application you can create a new account (Bol account) or open an existing account and make transactions with it. To create a new account you must fill in all the necessary information requested. The information entered should be correct in order to create the correct   CODENAME, otherwise the account will be invalid.

Step 3 – Create your EDI

After creating the CODENAME, the encrypted digital identity (EDI) should be created. The encrypted digital identity is necessary for your certification in the Bol community and the activation of the account. All files used for EDI (ID, photo, etc.) are hashed with SHA256 algorithm and only the hash is used. Original files remain on your computer or device and can be deleted at any time. After EDI construction all private keys and addresses are created which will be used for your transactions in the Bol community.

Step 4 – Choose  password and save your Account

You will be prompted for a strong password to store and access your private keys and wallet. You should keep this code in a safe place to be able to use the wallet and you should also save and keep in a safe place the created wallet file (wallet.json) as well as all the files used for creating CODENAME and EDI.

After downloading and storing the files and components in another private space outside the application you can delete these files from your application. To perform transactions on the blockchain the app only needs the wallet.json file and you need to know the password as well.

Step 5 – Register

When you complete the wallet creation process you can publish your main address on the Bol blockchain through a certifier (white list your main address) and after that you can register in the community and receive your Bol.

Step 6 –Certify and Activate your Account

Each member who has registered in the bol community whether they are an individual, company or organization in order to perform transactions with bol and community operations must first be certified.  The basic certification of members is done in two stages. At each stage three different certifiers are defined based on an algorithm and the user can choose one of them to get the certification.   Certification must take place within a 6-month period from the date of registration on the Bol blockchain.

After basic certification, your account becomes active and you can enjoy your bols and join the bol community.