


Each member who has registered in the bol community whether they are an individual, company or organization in order to perform transactions with bol and community operations must first be certified.

The certification process ensures that the member being certified (individual organization or company) is real, has registered with his real details and there is only one registration for each member, using the identification data encrypted in the matrix of hashes.

The certification of primary and collective members will be carried out by existing members of the community, known as certifiers.

Certifiers receive from each certificated member an amount in BOL, as recompense for their service.

Thus, every member that wishes to be certificated has in his disposal many options for completing his certification, according to the identification data that has encrypted into his EDI, during registration. The only elements communicated to the selected certifier are the matrix of hashes and the source file corresponding to one or more of the hashes.

The basic certification of members is done in two stages. At each stage three different certifiers are defined based on an algorithm and the user can choose one of them to get the certification.

The three certifiers of a stage are determined uniformly at random so that no one can reasonably influence or predict those who will be chosen by the algorithm.

In order to activate a member account, it is required to go through the basic two stages certification process. Certification must take place within a 6-month period from the date of registration on the Bol blockchain. If certification is not completed within the specified time limit, the account is considered fake, and anyone certifier can delete it.

In order to obtain the right to act as a certifier, a company, organization or individual will be required to have obtained the four-stage certification, as well as possessing and pledging 100 Bol as a guarantee. Especially for individuals they should have completed the age of 18 years.

Αs long as the above conditions are met, each member can register as a certifier by executing the register as certifier transaction and will participate in the lottery for member certification based on the algorithm.

After registration each new certifier must share their contact information on the Bol website so that members who want to be certified can contact them.

Τo share certifier contact details click this link.

Below are listed the certifiers and their contact details.

Type Codename Email Αppointment website
Global P<GRC<STAT3<P<<<1963M<QcFnxnoWpMW<125EF pgrcstat3p1963m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcstat3p1963m/certification
Global P<GRC<CHOM6<C<<<1985M<5b7jLWaYnFr<130F3 pgrcchom6c1985m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcchom6c1985m/certification
Global P<GRC<TOK2<T<<<1985M<aZ8mRn6xb44<156F5 pgrctok2t1985m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrctok2t1985m/certification
Global P<GRC<CHOM6<N<<<1983M<DYJaEi7ehha<111A1 pgrcchom6n1983m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcchom6n1983m/certification
Global P<GRC<PAP3<C<<<1964M<dG1W55URPip<1C058 pgrspap3c1964m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrspap3c1964m/certification
Global P<GRC<SEK3<O<<<1979M<CYi8a5tPVMb<1F8EB pgrcsek3o1979m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcsek3o1979m/certification
Global P<GRC<MOSC3<N<<<1992M<EBYmse6xFEn<8872C pgrcmosc3n1992m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcmosc3n1992m/certification
Global P<GRC<STAT3<P<<<1965M<7QMUFV8Gg1i<1D581 pgrcstat3p1965m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcstat3p1965m/certification
Global P<POL<BORY6<M<<<1977F<NB5oBuy4Qem<11973 ppolbory6m1977f@gmail.com https://calendly.com/ppolbory6m1977f/certification
Global P<GRC<BALA3<V<<<1968M<HdT7i1KaG7Z<119F9 pgrcbala3v1968m@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcbala3v1968m/certification
Global P<GRC<CHI3<T<<<2001F<CxBUoaHPJ13<156A8 pgrcchi3t2001f@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcchi3t2001f/certification
Global P<GRC<LEK2<E<<<1999F<bsC9VyJJniP<16CDF pgrclek2e1999f@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrclek2e1999f/certification
Global P<GRC<CHAT12<T<<<1991M<DuL3dzZ6cXz<15B3D
Global P<GRC<TOUL4<F<<<1985F<6r3ejSb5K96<17C43 pgrctoul4f1985f@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrctoul4f1985f/certification
Global P<GRC<SIDE10<K<<<1979F<Y4eJ7Syt1Ts<1FA42 pgrcside10k1979@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcside10k1979/certification
Global P<GRC<SEK3<M<<<1991M<iCCkfeZb3yd<2F6D8
Global P<GRC<QIR3<V<<<1968F<i41mizG9UDm<17692 pgrcqir3v1968@gmail.com    https://calendly.com/pgrcqir3v1968/certification
Global P<GRC<BAMP12<A<<<1999F<Cgwe39RHt8<125C3 pgrcbamp12a1999f@gmail.com https://calendly.com/pgrcbamp12a1999f/certification
Global P<GRC<BALK4<M<<<1992M<NZiU1DSLwUi<13205
Global P<GRC<MANO3<A<<<1973M<LcvHKERUny6<19566
Global P<GRC<CHIO3<N<<<1968M<DnF1CG389Am<1240D
Global P<GRC<PETR9<C<<<1971F<hQAxsJsGbDC<13B95
Global P<GRC<AGO2<E<<<1998F<DfQQ3yQ1nzL<1C9C1
Global P<GRC<SEK3<D<<<1976M<GDQeV8QDGLd<159DD