

What is BoL?

Human life is the ultimate source of all values on Earth. Without human beings, nothing on this planet would have any significance.

Everything that exists, everything that is produced, consumed, and exchanged derives its value from human life. From birth, every person carries an intrinsic worth, which continually transforms and imparts value to all aspects of existence.

Throughout history, the mechanisms of wealth creation and distribution have been grounded in the value generated by human life. These mechanisms have evolved, yet the wealth produced has persistently been concentrated in the hands of those who control the means of production. This traditional economic structure has often led to significant disparities in wealth distribution.

In recent decades, the development of the internet and the widespread connectivity of billions of people have given rise to new methods of wealth creation. Social networks, for example, have harnessed the collective value generated by their users to achieve immense profitability. Despite the vast wealth created by these platforms, the financial gains are typically retained by the network owners, leading to further concentration of wealth.

Blockchain technology, however, introduces a transformative potential for the fair management of value. This technology enables a decentralized and transparent system where the wealth generated by human life can be distributed more equitably. Instead of wealth accumulating in the hands of a few, blockchain technology offers a model where everyone can benefit equally.

Through blockchain, an open trading community can be established, where each individual’s value is recognized and represented by a digital currency called the “Bonus of Life” (BOL).

This currency embodies the intrinsic worth of human life, ensuring that the wealth generated from existence itself is shared fairly among all participants.

By leveraging blockchain technology, we can create a more just economic system that honors the fundamental value of every human life.