Dev Contribution

Dev Contribution

Dev Contribution

The Bol project was implemented with the voluntary contribution of individuals who believe in the value created by human life and the need to utilize this value for the benefit of all people.

Contributors worked voluntarily to create an autonomous and independent currency that belongs equally to all people, free from control by owners, financiers, intermediaries or investors.

With the basic contribution of Petros, Hambos, Fanis and many other people, the basic functions of the blockchain, core and contract were completed and with the contribution of Nikos and other people, the application of the wallet app was completed and thus became possible the launch and operation of Bol’s blockchain.

A lot of work is still needed to complete the contract, improve and upgrade the code so that all Bol functions can be activated.

Anyone who believes in the idea of ​​Bol and can help edit and improve the code in the core, extend and complete the smart contract, build utilities, improve the wallet up and any other part of the code, can visit the page of Bol on github and provide his contribution.

There are no financiers or investors offering fees on Bol.

Everyone working on the completion of the Bol is working voluntarily to build an independent and untethered currency that will make people’s lives better.

We believe that all will be rewarded by the success of Bol and its increase in value and parity as a currency for all of humanity.