

Procedures and implementation

1. For the people to be able to utilize the Bonus of Life, the BOL is introduced to the community as a digital currency. Transactions using this currency will be made via the blockchain system, using a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus protocol for the validation of the blocks in the chain.

2. The basis for the commencement of the blockchain is the present contract, detailing the terms and conditions for the operation of the community and the new currency. The participation of any member in the community constitutes proof of acceptance of the contract’s terms and conditions. The hash of this contract is the input hash to the genesis block.

3. The entrance of all members (individual and collective) to the community is done using the real and true identification data of the individual, company, or organization. Forging identity data by any member constitutes “cause” for termination the community’s transactions with this member and deactivation of his account.

4. In order to ensure the uniqueness of participation for every individual, organization, or company, a set of rules, naming conventions and symbols is put into effect, uniformly and on world-wide basis. To this end, a unique CODENAME for every member of the community is established. Furthermore, to discriminate between individual and collective members (the latter being companies and organizations), the CODENAME for individuals will begin with the letter P, while for companies and organizations with the letter C.

5. Registration to the community of individual members is done using procedures thatensure security of an individual’s personal data and his right to participation/ membership – that is, no one can prevent an individual from participating in the community. Everyone can participate in the community by his own free will, using personal data and documents that identify him as an individual-citizen, but without any dependencies from states, government agencies, organizations or companies that own, issue, or sell identification documents, personal data or online personal profiles. To this end, every individual is given the possibility to create, store and manage all documentation that identify him as a unique member of the community. Using encryption algorithms and hash functions to ensure security, every individual can generate an encrypted identity profile with which he will be known to the community, while keeping private and confidential all his personal data.